3/28/2024 1:52:49 PM Court extends the burden on contracting authorities in drafting standstill letters By Andrew Millross I have just read the case of OCS Group UK Limited v Community Health Partnerships Limited. It concerned an application for the disclosure...
3/28/2024 10:56:30 AM Community Ownership Fund - final round By David Alcock The first window for Round 4, the final round of the Community Ownership Fund, is now open for applications until 10 April. The funding...
3/27/2024 10:09:39 AM Who keeps the engagement ring after separation? By Kadie Bennett There are different answers depending on when the separation occurred and whether there were any conditions placed upon the gift when...
3/27/2024 9:28:03 AM Procurement Act 2023 guidance - the revelation commences... By Mark Cook Helpful guidance is now beginning to emerge from the Cabinet Office, ‘covering subjects from transitional arrangements and covered...
3/26/2024 9:49:02 AM Who watches the watchdog? By Christopher Frankling A recent BBC article has highlighted an instance where hospital consultants have raised concerns about patient safety, overcrowding and...
3/25/2024 2:32:07 PM The risks of not considering digital assets before you die By Lucy Bluck New research has revealed that fewer than a quarter of people aged 30 or over have referenced digital assets in their will. Research...
3/22/2024 11:08:13 AM B part of a movement for change By Matthew Wort I was at a conference last week where I heard an African proverb which has stuck with me - ‘If you want to run fast, run alone; if you...
3/20/2024 12:30:46 PM DfE making lighter reading for schools when it comes to governance – two new governance guides launched By Esther Campsall So it’s big news but not big news. Instead of maintained schools and academies having to sift through a joint Governance Handbook which...
3/18/2024 9:20:59 AM Wake me up before you pho-to? The use of photographic evidence in cases of sleeping on duty By Jackie Morris The Rochdale by-election made the news recently, with the Labour Party withdrawing support for candidate Azhar Ali following comments...
3/15/2024 10:47:11 AM Spring cleaning your NMW records... are they ready for your workers to inspect? By Hannah Bollard With the National Minimum Wage (NMW) rates increasing in April, it’s never a better time to have a spring clean of your records and for...
3/14/2024 4:50:38 PM Real stories of divorcing couples By Elizabeth Wyatt A revealing article by top researchers about the real stories of divorcing couples. The death of ‘meal ticket for life’ and the reality...
3/14/2024 4:45:52 PM Family disputes to be resolved faster through extra £170 million investment into the justice system By Elizabeth Wyatt Well, some good news at last on a chilly March day. Let's hope it reaches the coal face and is applied to speed up the journey through...