7/31/2024 10:36:47 AM A fair outcome without going to court By Ann Houghton Lawyers who specialise in clinical negligence will know that putting their clients through the formal court process isn't something to be...
7/30/2024 1:17:11 PM Government ends VAT relief on private school fees By Elizabeth Wyatt So, it's going to happen next year from 1 January and will catch any fees paid on account from yesterday. Inevitably, this will impact...
7/30/2024 8:35:46 AM Proposed care fees cap abolished By Donna Holmes After being kicked into the long grass on several occasions since first being proposed, Chancellor Rachel Reeves has confirmed what we...
7/29/2024 9:30:30 AM Latest Ockenden enquiry findings published By Gill Peate The Guardian recently covered the Ockenden enquiry, a review of almost 2,000 maternity cases at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS...
7/26/2024 2:41:48 PM Key considerations when acquiring a children's nursery By Abbey Jones Following the introduction of funded childcare spaces for working parents and the influx of parents looking for childcare spaces for...
7/25/2024 11:59:18 AM Care Act duties and care home closures By Emma Watt Freya Cassia The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (the Ombudsman) has found Wokingham Borough Council (the council) at fault for how it...
7/25/2024 11:57:23 AM Labour government to announce decisive and swift reform of the NPPF early next week By Anthony Collins Prior to its election as the majority party in the House of Commons, the Labour Party made notable pledges to reform the inefficiencies...
7/25/2024 8:16:02 AM Amendments to Class Q permitted development rights By Mahnoor Butt Changes have been made to Class Q of Part 3, Schedule 2 of the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) allowing permitted development...
7/23/2024 7:33:39 AM Law Commission opens consultation on contempt of court proceedings By Rebecca Sembuuze The Law Commission has begun consultation on reform of the law on Contempt of Court. The deadline to respond is 8 November 2024. The...
7/19/2024 2:22:56 PM The King's speech and the Government’s planning agenda By Max Howarth The King delivered his speech in the House of Lords on Wednesday setting out the Government’s agenda for the next parliament. At the...
7/18/2024 10:05:12 AM Four-day work week trial - An enhancement to recruitment and retention? By Sarah Harnett South Cambridgeshire District Council have shared information from independent reports on their four-day work week trial. It makes a...
7/18/2024 9:31:15 AM Small claims mandatory mediation pilot - Will it fly? By Bethany Milne As of 22 May 2024, mandatory mediation has been introduced for certain cases allocated to the small claims track where the only remedy...