5/27/2021 8:19:19 AM Lessons for trustees from the Royal charities By Catherine Gibbons I was interested to read the Charity Commission's conclusions following their investigations into two royal charities: MWX Foundation...
5/27/2021 12:00:00 AM The CQC's new strategy; focussed on safety but will it be effective ? By Tim Coolican The CQC have today outlined their strategy to change the way they regulate, with the aim of improving care-for-all. The CQC's objectives...
5/27/2021 12:00:00 AM When there's a wedding, there needs to be a Will! By Donna Holmes As lockdown continues to ease, one of the big changes will be to the rules around weddings. With more people able to attend, rescheduled...
5/26/2021 9:58:25 AM Housing Technology: New software module equals new procurement? By Andrew Millross Alex Lawrence Click here to read the latest edition of Housing Technology featuring our article where we look at public procurement issues through the...
5/25/2021 10:43:01 AM Procurement Bill in the Queen's Speech By Andrew Millross For procurement practitioners, the prospect of a further wholesale revision of the public procurement rules (so soon after the last one...
5/24/2021 8:09:05 AM Reinvigorating Commonhold By Emma Hardman I was really interested to read about the formation of a new Commonhold Council by the Government as part of its' strategy to...
5/21/2021 12:00:00 AM New Code of Governance for community-led housing By David Alcock We are really pleased to have been involved in reviewing the new Code of Governance for community-led housing, published today by our...
5/20/2021 12:00:00 AM A wholesome mouthful By David Alcock I should start by declaring an interest - I do like beer in general, and IPA in particular. But the taste is only improved when I read of...
5/19/2021 12:00:00 AM Conflict is inevitable - it doesn't have to be costly By Libby Hubbard ACAS is to workplace relationships as Relate is to romantic ones; a national organisation seeking to advise, conciliate and repair those...
5/14/2021 4:26:14 PM Possession notices - all change again! By Helen Tucker From 1 June 2021 all the notice periods for possession notices (both section 21 notices for assured shortholds and NSPs for secure and...
5/14/2021 11:20:02 AM "The risk of NMW underpayment has increased" says the Low Pay Commission By Anna Dabek The Low Pay Commission has published a report on compliance and enforcement of the National Minimum Wage. The report indicates that the...
5/14/2021 11:06:28 AM What the RSH’s VFM analysis does and doesn’t tell us By Peter Hubbard After three years of rent cuts to 2020, the Value for Money (VFM) analysis published yesterday by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH)...