Dec 23, 2020 Measure what you value or you'll value what you measure!! By Anthony Collins In my colleague David Alcock's podcast series,'More than the bottom line', David and Emma Watt talk to Daniel Brewer from Resonance about...
Dec 21, 2020 Waking Watch Fund: A welcome relief to all for landlords and tenants By Emma Hardman Post Grenfell, some landlords of high-rise buildings have had to introduce waking watch services to ensure a 24/7 hour presence on-site...
Dec 18, 2020 PPN 11/20 - advertising opportunities contractors cannot bid for By Andrew Millross The recently issued Procurement Policy Note 11/20 raises a couple of interesting points for below threshold contracts. It suggests that,...
Dec 18, 2020 Is the abolition of s21 notices closer than expected? By Helen Tucker Inside Housing reported on 16 December 2020 that nineteen leading organisations including Generation Rent and the GLA have joined forces...
Dec 16, 2020 Addressing defective cladding systems is a starting point for building safety, not the end point By Kieran Binnie Following the Grenfell Tower fire, a great deal of attention has been focused on the specification and fire resistance of cladding...
Dec 16, 2020 "Transforming public procurement" - will it really be transformative? By Mark Cook I am not into computer games - they passed me by, and so I can never get excited by the latest edition of the most popular virtual...
Dec 16, 2020 The Rashford effect - Christmas corporate partnerships By Natalie Barbosa Most other UK supermarkets have followed John Lewis' lead in focusing on food poverty for their seasonal corporate partnership. The...
Dec 16, 2020 Giving gifts is good - the 2020 Chocolate Snowman appeal By Donna Holmes Christmas is a time for giving and sharing but 2020 is a year like no other! In the Anthony Collins Solicitors Court of Protection team,...
Dec 15, 2020 PPE procurement extends the scope of the negotiated procedure without advertisement By Andrew Millross In a judicial review challenge brought by the Good Law Project to the Government's procurement of PPE in April, the court refused...
Dec 14, 2020 The range of enforcement risks associated with development, maintenance and repair tasks should provide food for thought for housing associations. By Tim Coolican On reading the daily legal update I receive each morning, the cases reported today reminded me of the wide-ranging regulatory risks...
Dec 14, 2020 Judicial review of public sector exit payments By Katherine Sinclair If you thought that we had reached closure on the issue of public sector exit payments when the Government's legislation introducing the...
Dec 14, 2020 Resilience - the new year resolution for charities? By Edwina Turner The #CAF report on the Charity Landscape 2020 highlights a key lesson that all of us working with and for charities must learn from the...