1/27/2025 12:44:32 PM Mediation and other non-court dispute resolution options By Kelly Brown The purpose of non-court dispute resolution is for individuals to reach a resolution away from the court arena. There are a number of...
2/17/2025 9:31:03 AM 20 years in family law: Advancing solutions through resolution and arbitration By Chris Lloyd-Smith I have been a family solicitor now for just over 20 years. In that time I have seen many changes in family law and the way we, as...
2/14/2025 2:58:57 PM TUPE transfers: I object! Yes, but why? By Hannah Bollard Lots of TUPE transfers are smooth sailing and for staff, there is no difference to their lives, other than a different logo on the top of...
2/14/2025 2:46:51 PM Procurement UnpACked: Getting in the right 'framework' of mind By Sophie McFie-Hyland Contracting authorities may be pleased to hear that the framework purchasing tool will still be available under the Procurement Act 2023...
2/13/2025 6:28:53 PM Procurement UnpACked: concession contracts under the Procurement Act 2023 By Gayle Monk Alex Lawrence Alongside the demise of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR) we see the end of the (perhaps less used but equally exciting)...
2/13/2025 6:23:27 PM Where there's muck there's...plastic - or equivalent By Andrew Millross A case on Belgian sewage pipes may not be of immediate interest to UK procurement practitioners. Let me tell you why it's important....
2/13/2025 5:10:08 PM Higgs v Farmor's School - proportionate responses and protected beliefs By Libby Hubbard The case of Kirstie Higgs and her previous employer, Farmor's School, has finally been decided by the Court of Appeal. Her dismissal was...
2/12/2025 5:16:29 PM Employment Rights Bill hub - update #1 By Libby Hubbard Thanks for signing up to our ERB hub - we hope you've had a chance to look at the hub, find your way around and have a read of our key...
2/12/2025 3:52:09 PM How best to care? By David Alcock I was very struck today by the paper released by Care England and the Employee Ownership Association (EOA) on the contribution that...
2/12/2025 9:33:34 AM Commitment to equity and inclusion - small steps can lead to change By Ann Houghton I recently co-wrote an article for our intranet home page with my colleague, Cleo Brant which arose from the rhetoric and actions on ED&I...
2/11/2025 1:01:51 PM Protected Beliefs and the Equality Act 2010: Belief in the ability to predict the future is not protected – should we have seen that coming? By Jackie Morris A tribunal was called upon recently to decide whether an employee who believed in his psychic ability to tell the future was...
2/11/2025 9:26:47 AM Awaab’s Law – some further detail at last! By Suzanne Gregson Awaab Ishak, a two-year-old child living in a one-bedroom flat, died in December 2020 as a result of a severe respiratory condition. In...
2/7/2025 3:38:09 PM Updates to the NHS Standard Contract 2025/26 By Emma Watt The NHS Standard Contract is the contractual basis on which Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) contract for all healthcare services other than...