1/29/2021 10:32:01 AM The Court of Protection vs. a family member. Should a person lacking capacity receive the Covid-19 vaccine? By Puja Desai For those of you who don't know what the Court of Protection is, it is a court that makes decisions on behalf of individuals who don't...
1/29/2021 9:21:17 AM Vaccine hesitancy - do faith bodies have a role? By Edwina Turner @FaithAction has highlighted the high degree of ‘vaccine hesitancy’ among BAME communities, with a Queen Mary study of the London...
1/28/2021 1:19:52 PM Development agreements and procurement By Andrew Millross We have made available an e-briefing on our website on the Commission v Austria procurement challenge on development...
1/27/2021 12:00:00 AM What does 100,000+ deaths in the UK tell us? By Peter Hubbard Whilst the featured BBC article is an excellent analysis of how we reached 100,000 deaths in the UK, I wonder whether it really digs into...
1/26/2021 6:04:19 PM Can you make Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory? By Anna Dabek Last week's news that Pimlico Plumbers will seek to vaccinate their workforce as soon as the vaccine becomes available, has led to many...
1/26/2021 12:29:04 PM Considerations for trustees who want to support Extinction Rebellion By Natalie Barbosa My article this month for Civil Society's Governance magazine on behalf of Lawyers for Extinction Rebellion. It details the...
1/26/2021 11:46:28 AM Using algorithms to enhance, not harm competition and consumers By Emma Watt To mark the launch of a new programme of work on analysing algorithms, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published a report...
1/26/2021 12:00:00 AM Looking forward into 2021 - health and social care By Matthew Wort Despite the immense challenges that no one foresaw, 2020 was an opportunity for much of what is good about the social care sector to...
1/26/2021 12:00:00 AM Cashless society - progress or discriminatory? By Donna Holmes I've always left the house with the mantra 'purse, phone keys' and more recently, added 'mask and sanitiser' to the checklist to make...
1/25/2021 4:21:12 PM Looking forward into 2021 By David Alcock A group of our experts from across various sectors looked into their collective crystal ball, to see what they could see for the coming...
1/25/2021 11:26:47 AM Top tips for council vaccination centres By Anthony Collins Local authorities across the country are converting their public buildings to mass-vaccination centres to help in the fight against...
1/25/2021 12:00:00 AM Looking forward to 2021 - Social business By Emma Watt 2020 was a year with some encouragements amongst the enormous challenges and gives us some signs of hope going into 2021. Whilst the...