3/13/2025 1:54:06 PM Spotlight on our people for B Corp month By Phil Saunders Our people are our whole business. We're proud to support them to pursue their career and ambitions. Encouraging an inclusive culture is...
2/12/2025 9:33:34 AM Commitment to equity and inclusion - small steps can lead to change By Ann Houghton I recently co-wrote an article for our intranet home page with my colleague, Cleo Brant which arose from the rhetoric and actions on ED&I...
1/21/2025 12:46:11 PM A Big Mac without a side serving of ED&I? Is the UK following the USA's lead? By Libby Hubbard McDonald's recently announced a rollback on some of its ED&I policies. They are anxious to reiterate their ‘steadfast’ commitment to...
1/17/2025 9:38:59 AM Never just a label By Ann Houghton The title of this article—never just a label—applies to so many issues and scenarios, but right now, it's at the forefront of my mind...
8/1/2024 10:57:05 AM Making strategy into reality! By Ann Houghton We're enormously proud to officially adopt the Halo Code at Anthony Collins. It's the latest in the many ways we're turning our vision...
5/29/2024 10:10:04 AM Happy Pride 2024! By Cleo Brant As May turns into June, we are once again flying the flag for LGBTQ+ Pride Month at Anthony Collins! As a firm with an active ED&I...
4/18/2024 12:48:24 PM How open should we be?! By Ann Houghton This was a question we asked ourselves when preparing for a panel session about women in leadership. Our answer was that we answer...
12/14/2023 2:40:44 PM Are we nearly there yet? By Ann Houghton So, are we nearly at gender equity in law firms yet? Well, in true lawyer style, the answer depends on how you define gender equality. ...
10/18/2023 9:36:44 AM World Menopause Day - 18 October 2023 By Nicola Woods Thankfully, the conversations around menopause are getting louder. But let’s be honest, there is still a long way to go to support the...
5/17/2022 8:43:03 AM International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia By Ann Houghton Today marks this year’s International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (sometimes known as IDAHOBIT). The event was...
2/8/2022 10:00:50 AM Where is the profession two years on from the 'Legally Disabled?' report By Ann Houghton In 2020 Cardiff Business School, in partnership with The Law Society, undertook a project looking at the experience of disabled people in...
1/26/2022 9:16:47 AM How will you #BreakTheBias? By Ann Houghton The theme for International Women's Day this year is #BreakTheBias. I've been starting to reflect on what this means, how we achieve this...