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Happy Pride 2024!

As May turns into June, we are once again flying the flag for LGBTQ+ Pride Month at Anthony Collins! 

As a firm with an active ED&I committee that strongly values the celebration of diversity, it is integral to AC's culture to show our appreciation and support for our colleagues and clients within this vibrant community.

Following 2023's attendance at Birmingham and Manchester Pride, this year, we marched with the Birmingham Law Society in AC's founding city and had a fantastic time being loud and proud.

Over the past year, our dedicated LGBTQ+ subgroup have shared many an article with our colleagues on what our various identities mean to us, the importance of observing International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, and highlighting those we have lost on Trans Day of Remembrance. We have worn our rainbow colours to show our support for IDAHoBiT, and we have introduced gender neutral toilets for our staff. 

This year, we will be celebrating Pride Month by way of bake sales to fundraise for Wolverhampton LGBT, and plans are in place to champion the inclusivity of our workplace with the opportunity to wear rainbow lanyards and pronoun pins.

As a social purpose firm, we feel strongly about giving back to our communities and supporting clients from all backgrounds, walks of life, and colours of the rainbow family. 

And, of course, we would like to wish everyone a very happy Pride!

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pride, lgbtq, equality diversity and inclusion, ed&i