12/5/2023 3:45:18 PM Closure of mouse infested care home highlights the need for a holistic approach to health and safety By Molly Quinney Chiltern View Care Home, a residential care home that was registered to provide personal care for up to 36 people, was closed by the CQC,...
2/10/2022 9:14:31 AM 2021 review of mergers and acquisitions in the care sector By Anthony Collins 2021 was a turbulent year for all involved in the health and social care sector. Covid-19 presented many hurdles to organisations...
2/3/2022 11:04:50 AM Workforce crisis and the consolidation of service providers By Anthony Collins News of the staffing crisis in social care is nothing new. It has been the central issue in social care for a long time. The pandemic has...
11/11/2021 2:38:18 PM Latest NHS data on ambulance response times By Ann Houghton It's trite to say, but it's fundamental - ambulance response times make a big difference. There are target times for different categories...
6/17/2021 9:41:44 AM Mandatory vaccination - Not just your care home staff By Matthew Wort After some weeks of speculation, Matt Hancock announced to the Commons last night that mandatory vaccination of care staff will happen...
2/22/2021 11:04:10 AM One regular visitor for care home residents By Donna Holmes The news released over the weekend is that plans are being finalised for care home residents to be able to have one regular visitor. To...
12/2/2020 2:09:03 PM Capacity to consent, care home policy and the Covid-19 vaccine By Donna Holmes With the regulatory approval of the first Covid-19 vaccine now in place and plans for immediate roll-out (with some estimates indicating...
11/19/2020 12:00:00 AM Is Christmas cancelled for care homes? By Tim Coolican After a long, difficult and unprecedented year, many of us are looking forward to the festive season. This is especially true of the...
11/2/2020 2:47:03 PM Light at the end of the tunnel for care home residents during COVID-19? By Puja Desai We see first hand the upset caused by our clients' loved ones being unable to visit them in their care homes. Many of our clients, due to...
11/2/2020 12:00:00 AM Visiting care homes during lockdown By Anthony Collins With the new 'national lockdown' now announced, if the country is to avoid the previous mistakes that led to many thousands of deaths,...