12/5/2024 4:12:20 PM Don’t always listen to Benjamin Franklin: The importance of planning for old age By Nikhil Handa The famous American Benjamin Franklin once said “Nothing is certain except death and taxes." When people come to us to talk about wills,...
10/16/2024 1:31:07 PM Providing for family and friends with disabilities after you are gone By Nikhil Handa This BBC article explains how a large proportion of adults with severe learning disabilities in Wales live with their families, meaning...
10/2/2024 1:31:16 PM 100 weddings! And a funeral? Thinking about wills when you get married By Nikhil Handa Many of us will have been pleased to read about the 100 weddings that took place at Old Marylebone Town Hall yesterday in celebration of...
7/18/2024 8:18:52 AM Celebrity Send Off - Lifting the stigma on conversations about death By Lauren Saville Co-op Funeralcare has teamed up with Channel 4 to launch a social-first entertainment series to change the dialogue surrounding funerals....
7/6/2023 3:01:58 PM New intestacy law provisions highlight the need to make a will By Zoe Mellen If somebody dies intestate (without a will) leaving both a spouse or civil partner and children, the spouse or civil partner is entitled...