8/8/2023 3:06:58 PM 'Willanthropy' - a new term for an old idea By Zoe Mellen Remember a Charity (part of the Chartered Institute of Fund Raising) works to encourage more people to leave a gift in their will to...
7/6/2023 3:01:58 PM New intestacy law provisions highlight the need to make a will By Zoe Mellen If somebody dies intestate (without a will) leaving both a spouse or civil partner and children, the spouse or civil partner is entitled...
7/6/2023 9:25:28 AM Thinking about early onset dementia By Zoe Mellen Many people will have been moved hearing TV presenter Fiona Phillips talking about caring for her parents who both had dementia. Now...
6/20/2023 10:25:07 AM Singing from the same hymn sheet? By Zoe Mellen Have you ever thought about the music you would like to be played at your funeral? The Co-op Funeralcare has produced a recent chart...