12/9/2022 9:52:03 AM It's coal for Christmas By Gayle Monk Just a month after relinquishing the COP presidency, the UK has taken the perverse decision to approve the opening of the country's first...
11/9/2022 11:31:01 AM Carbon inequality: Reasons to be cheerful? Part 2 By Gayle Monk This time last year, in time for COP26, Oxfam and the Institute for European Environmental Policy released research that provided the...
7/20/2022 8:46:22 AM It's a win - but I'm not celebrating By Gayle Monk In a huge win for Client Earth, Friends of the Earth and the Good Law Project this week, the High Court has ruled that the Government's...
5/5/2022 3:22:43 PM Charity investments - landmark case supports adoption of Paris Climate-aligned policies by charity trustees By Natalie Barbosa Judgment was handed down on a significant case regarding the duties of trustees in relation to investment policies last week. The issue...
4/5/2022 11:21:16 AM Greening your supply chain - webinar By Natalie Barbosa My colleague, Gayle Monk and I are hosting a webinar at the end of the month, 'Greening your supply chains', where we'll be talking about...
7/29/2021 2:18:26 PM Can we #movethedate? By Gayle Monk Today is Earth Overshoot Day - a stark and sobering reminder of just how much we overconsume. The day marks the point in each calendar...
4/22/2021 12:00:00 AM Marking Earth Day 2021 By Gayle Monk Earth Day has been marked every year since 1970 to honour the Earth and demonstrate support for environmental protection. The first...
3/23/2021 12:00:00 AM The lens through which we have to see By David Alcock The Guardian article on the project to green the Sinai desert is extraordinary and inspirational; a group of scientists are working on a...
2/5/2021 11:59:11 AM Dasgupta Report on the Economics of Biodiversity - a blast from the past or a sign of real change? By Gayle Monk Just from reading the headline document - which you can read here - the messages coming from the Dasgupta Report are powerful (the full...
11/18/2020 3:26:25 PM A green industrial revolution? At first glance, perhaps By Gayle Monk I am giving away my age (and possibly exposing myself to ridicule) when I admit to loving the film Clueless, a 1990s take on Jane...
11/12/2020 10:54:40 AM Reaching net zero carbon - even cheaper than we thought By Gayle Monk News from the Committee on Climate Change this morning is heartening, but a call to action of sorts. The costs of reaching the target of...
11/2/2020 4:46:36 PM An opportunity to engage with social value reporting and accountability By Gayle Monk I was pleased to see that Social Value UK and Social Value International are inviting members to engage with them on their responses to a...