10/11/2022 2:22:11 PM Artificial intelligence and equality - some thoughts for employers By Carl Latham The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has published guidance on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and how it can harm or...
9/21/2022 10:37:43 AM New apprenticeship opportunities for prisoners By Anthony Collins On 30 September 2022, new Regulations will come into force which will allow prisoners to undertake apprenticeships without the need for...
9/6/2022 10:54:41 AM Back to school... and back to the drawing board for employers? By Anthony Collins I am very supportive of the Government's decision to issue new statutory guidance to reduce school uniform costs. Whilst the guidance...
9/2/2022 10:15:25 AM Don't ignore the Pensions Ombudsman! By Carl Latham The Pensions Ombudsman has upheld a complaint against a member’s employer for various errors made in relation to pension contributions....
9/1/2022 10:10:52 AM Social Mobility Commission launches employer consultation By Anthony Collins The Social Mobility Commission is launching a cross-sector employer consultation on social mobility within the workplace. The aim of the...
8/11/2022 10:10:29 AM Building the baseline: Socio-economic diversity at senior levels By Anthony Collins Earlier in the year, I was delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to research carried out by the City of London Corporation's...
4/28/2022 2:07:06 PM Does the voluntary sector have a class problem? By Anthony Collins I was very interested to read this article in Third Sector Magazine last week about the extent of the social mobility challenge in the...
3/30/2022 11:06:35 AM Neurodiversity week - Reflections on supporting neurodivergent employees By Molly Quinney You might have seen that last week was Neurodiversity Celebration Week – a week to celebrate those with brains that think, learn, process...
3/18/2022 11:37:14 AM Social mobility: the conversation continues! By Anthony Collins I have been very fortunate to spend three days over the last couple of weeks discussing what I am most passionate about - improving...
3/7/2022 8:47:24 AM Should pay gap reporting be widened? By Anthony Collins Research has recently found that the number of organisations reporting on their ethnicity pay gap halved last year. The statistics,...
2/24/2022 6:04:30 PM A pledge for social mobility By Anthony Collins I am pleased to see that over 100 leading employers have recently pledged their support for a ten-point social mobility action plan led...
2/21/2022 11:36:27 AM The importance of the Public Sector Equality Duty By Ravinderjit Dosanjh The High Court has ruled that the former UK Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, failed to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty in the...