2/17/2025 9:31:03 AM 20 years in family law: Advancing solutions through resolution and arbitration By Chris Lloyd-Smith I have been a family solicitor now for just over 20 years. In that time I have seen many changes in family law and the way we, as...
2/6/2025 12:16:54 PM Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week: 3 - 9 February 2025 By Nicola Woods Stacey Barnard Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2025 This week is Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week. People often feel the need...
1/28/2025 11:04:20 AM Child-inclusive mediation and the court’s approach to the voice of the child in Birmingham By Kelly Brown Separation can be a confusing and upsetting time for a child especially if they don’t feel their views will be taken into account. It...
1/27/2025 1:02:12 PM The writing is on the wall… isn’t it? By Hannah Bollard There is an underperforming employee. They have been given lots of support and offers of training over the years. You’ve given them...
1/27/2025 12:44:32 PM Mediation and other non-court dispute resolution options By Kelly Brown The purpose of non-court dispute resolution is for individuals to reach a resolution away from the court arena. There are a number of...
1/24/2025 9:35:43 AM The Ministry of Justice has announced an extension to the Family Mediation Voucher Scheme By Kelly Brown It has been announced that the Minister responsible for family justice has confirmed the family mediation voucher scheme will be...
1/20/2025 12:55:40 PM Family Mediation Week 2025 By Kelly Brown It's Family Mediation Week next week (27 – 31 January 2025), which aims to raise awareness of the benefits of family mediation, a process...
12/18/2024 3:59:25 PM Law Commission report on financial remedy reform to be released By Chris Lloyd-Smith This week is not only the Christmas countdown but the release of the Law Commission Scoping Report on Reform of Financial Remedies Law in...
12/10/2024 9:16:27 AM Human Rights Day By Ciara Best Human Rights Day is celebrated annually on 10 December. This marks the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR),...
12/5/2024 4:12:20 PM Don’t always listen to Benjamin Franklin: The importance of planning for old age By Nikhil Handa The famous American Benjamin Franklin once said “Nothing is certain except death and taxes." When people come to us to talk about wills,...
12/2/2024 3:55:10 PM New personal injury discount rate By Ann Houghton For our clients whose lives have been turned upside down by negligence, financial security is hugely important. One question we are...
11/20/2024 9:19:18 AM Sorry seems to be the hardest word By Ann Houghton It's not often I want to quote song lyrics but Elton John nicely sums up how frustrating the clinical negligence claim process can be...