2/28/2025 11:30:14 AM Property is going green (leases) By Hayfa Tejani With 40% of global CO2 emissions coming from the real estate sector, there are increasing concerns about its contribution to greenhouse...
1/14/2025 11:00:03 AM Environmental sustainability under a Labour government: Impacts of the legislative programme By Gayle Monk The King’s Speech and subsequent developments paint a picture of this Labour Government’s intentions regarding sustainability and the...
10/30/2023 9:15:43 AM Energy Act 2023 receives Royal Assent By Gayle Monk The Energy Act 2023 received Royal Assent and passed into law on 26 October 2023. Coming at a time of high energy prices and increasing...
4/5/2022 11:21:16 AM Greening your supply chain - webinar By Natalie Barbosa My colleague, Gayle Monk and I are hosting a webinar at the end of the month, 'Greening your supply chains', where we'll be talking about...
11/26/2021 2:54:53 PM Environment Bill receives Royal Assent this month By Natalie Barbosa I have written a summary of the Environment Act in my latest ebriefing. Look out for a more critical analysis in the next edition of The...
2/5/2021 11:59:11 AM Dasgupta Report on the Economics of Biodiversity - a blast from the past or a sign of real change? By Gayle Monk Just from reading the headline document - which you can read here - the messages coming from the Dasgupta Report are powerful (the full...
12/1/2020 12:53:17 PM Tackling deforestation and the climate and biodiversity crisis through due diligence By Natalie Barbosa Whilst it is without a doubt that the Environment Bill, even if passed, is not going to solve the UK's contribution to the climate and...
11/27/2020 10:03:36 AM Green Book to embrace humanity following HM Treasury review By Mark Cook To my surprise, this is proving to be a "make a wish come true" week following the Government's publication of its Green Book Review...
11/18/2020 3:26:25 PM A green industrial revolution? At first glance, perhaps By Gayle Monk I am giving away my age (and possibly exposing myself to ridicule) when I admit to loving the film Clueless, a 1990s take on Jane...