12/23/2024 1:52:21 PM The Section 106 Affordable Housing Clearing Service - an opportunity for a reset By Jonathan Cox The announcement by Homes England of a section 106 clearing house is unlikely to make the step change in the way intended. It is...
8/7/2024 8:20:23 AM Empty affordable housing - what's going on! By Jonathan Cox This excellent article in The i brings to light an issue which has been long brewing; current law section 106 agreements oblige...
8/2/2024 3:20:28 PM National Planning Policy Framework: Proposed updates and key changes By Owen Dugmore As promised by the new Labour government, the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is due shortly. The consultation period...
1/17/2022 1:55:02 PM Levelling Up. Housing. Communities. It's all in your job title, Mr Gove. By Victoria Jardine I've just read Sam Bowman's thought-provoking article in The Guardian today positing solving Britain's housing crisis as the single most...