2/7/2025 2:45:48 PM Procurement UnpACked: Open procedure – Open sesame By Priya Kale Alex Lawrence For any procurement falling under the Procurement Act 2023 (PA 23) there are only two competitive tendering procedures – the open...
2/7/2024 12:11:52 PM Technology in the public sector: guidance on using AI safely and securely By Emma Watt On 18 January 2024, the Cabinet Office and Central Digital and Data Office jointly published the Generative AI Framework for HM...
1/20/2023 10:56:22 AM Anthony Collins Solicitors appointed to advise LGPS funds and employers By Doug Mullen We're delighted that Anthony Collins Solicitors has been appointed to the National Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Legal Services...
10/19/2022 3:32:57 PM Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme - Phase 3b applications due by the end of the month By Gayle Monk The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS), open to a range of public sector bodies, has opened up Phase 3b, with applications due...
8/17/2022 9:13:41 AM LGPS: A break in the (Mc)Clouds, but the sun hasn’t come out yet By Anthony Collins After yet another blazing hot week, I let out a small cheer when I saw that clouds and rain (and cooler temperatures) have been forecast....
7/18/2022 3:35:11 PM Further (Mc)Clouds on the horizon in public sector pensions By Doug Mullen The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and the British Medical Association (BMA) have been given permission to go ahead with their legal challenge...
6/30/2021 8:44:11 AM Public sector pensions funding reform? By Doug Mullen The Government published two consultations last week on reforming the funding of public sector pensions. The problem is that unfunded...
4/8/2021 9:26:01 AM Local government funding - now and the future By Alex Lawrence Sobering reading from Rob Whiteman about where we currently are with local government funding. Things were not great even before...
4/1/2021 4:15:23 PM Transforming Public Procurement Green Paper By Andrew Millross A couple more e-briefings from us on the Government's Transforming Public Procurement Green Paper: The transparency "paperchase" at:...
2/16/2021 4:45:17 PM If the cap doesn't fit: government back-tracks on exit payments By Doug Mullen On 4 November 2020, the Restriction of Public Exit Payments Regulations 2020 (“the Regulations”) came into force; exit payments for the...
2/5/2021 11:59:11 AM Dasgupta Report on the Economics of Biodiversity - a blast from the past or a sign of real change? By Gayle Monk Just from reading the headline document - which you can read here - the messages coming from the Dasgupta Report are powerful (the full...
11/25/2020 10:36:34 AM Consultation during the pandemic - getting it right By Alex Lawrence The Court of Appeal decision in R (on the application of Article 39) v Secretary of State for Education [2020] EWCA Civ 1577, is a timely...