3/14/2025 9:59:57 AM How do we learn from clinical negligence? By Sarah Owen When clients approach me about a possible clinical negligence claim, a consistent question that they ask is ‘what will change?’ when it...
3/3/2025 4:10:26 PM Who is Mr Hyde? Explaining who your beneficiaries are when you make a will By Nikhil Handa This weekend I finally found the time to watch the BBC’s recent film of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and I was pleasantly surprised to learn...
10/16/2024 1:31:07 PM Providing for family and friends with disabilities after you are gone By Nikhil Handa This BBC article explains how a large proportion of adults with severe learning disabilities in Wales live with their families, meaning...
10/3/2024 2:26:22 PM Golden owls and treasure hunts: Keeping an enterprise going after your death By Nikhil Handa There's good news for treasure hunters this week as it was announced that a long-running mystery has been solved. As this BBC news...
10/2/2024 1:31:16 PM 100 weddings! And a funeral? Thinking about wills when you get married By Nikhil Handa Many of us will have been pleased to read about the 100 weddings that took place at Old Marylebone Town Hall yesterday in celebration of...
8/27/2024 11:14:18 AM Can your will provide for your property to be cremated with you? By Nikhil Handa This week, the peculiar request of French actor Alain Delon that his dog should be put down and buried with him on his death has hit the...
7/30/2024 1:17:11 PM Government ends VAT relief on private school fees By Elizabeth Wyatt So, it's going to happen next year from 1 January and will catch any fees paid on account from yesterday. Inevitably, this will impact...
6/12/2024 2:43:03 PM Calling 'time' on Domestic Violence: World Cup linked to increase in domestic violence - How to help someone you think may be at risk By Kadie Bennett Whilst admittedly I am not a huge football fan, I can appreciate the passion, excitement and unity the World Cup brings every four years....
5/28/2024 9:47:21 AM Non-Court Dispute Resolution (NCDR) ordered in one of the first reported cases - Welcome to the new normal By Kadie Bennett In one of the first reported cases, Financial Remedy proceedings have been stayed and Non-Court Dispute Resolution has been ordered...
4/23/2024 2:41:42 PM Children in care - the North/South divide By Sacha Hibbitt It has long been discussed that England suffers from a North/South wealth inequality. This has only been exacerbated by cuts to public...
4/5/2024 11:35:43 AM How much? Court fees set to rise By Kadie Bennett Following a consultation period, 172 court fees are set to rise, with the change being effected by a statutory instrument in summer 2024....
3/27/2024 10:09:39 AM Who keeps the engagement ring after separation? By Kadie Bennett There are different answers depending on when the separation occurred and whether there were any conditions placed upon the gift when...