3/5/2025 9:38:01 AM Employment Rights Bill hub - update #2 By Libby Hubbard The Employment Rights Bill (ERB) is like the lumpy custard we used to have at my primary school; nothing at all would come out of the jug...
2/14/2025 2:58:57 PM TUPE transfers: I object! Yes, but why? By Hannah Bollard Lots of TUPE transfers are smooth sailing and for staff, there is no difference to their lives, other than a different logo on the top of...
2/12/2025 5:16:29 PM Employment Rights Bill hub - update #1 By Libby Hubbard Thanks for signing up to our ERB hub - we hope you've had a chance to look at the hub, find your way around and have a read of our key...
2/11/2025 1:01:51 PM Protected Beliefs and the Equality Act 2010: Belief in the ability to predict the future is not protected – should we have seen that coming? By Jackie Morris A tribunal was called upon recently to decide whether an employee who believed in his psychic ability to tell the future was...
1/27/2025 1:02:12 PM The writing is on the wall… isn’t it? By Hannah Bollard There is an underperforming employee. They have been given lots of support and offers of training over the years. You’ve given them...
1/14/2025 1:01:17 PM Sorry, what did you say? By Bethany Milne A recent Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) case found that comments about an employee’s accent could be related to race for harassment...
1/14/2025 12:37:39 PM Home Office prohibits the passing on of some immigration fees to sponsored workers By Bethany Milne If you are an employer with a sponsorship licence or are thinking about applying for one, you need to be aware of changes from the Home...
11/28/2024 5:16:09 PM There are 12 days of Christmas but now there could be six months to bring an employment claim – New amendment to the Employment Rights Bill By Jackie Morris We have all been breathing a collective sigh of relief that the Employment Rights Bill 2024 was not going to interfere with the...
9/25/2024 8:09:20 AM Back to work (again): Home Office's right to work guidance updated By Hazel Findlay The Home Office updated the employer’s guide to right to work checks again on 23 September 2024 (and it is stated to apply to right to...
8/14/2024 11:29:14 AM Employer provides a holiday fund savings scheme - What could go wrong? By Hannah Bollard Sometimes employers try to do the right thing and still get it wrong. Lees of Scotland are in that boat right now, having set up a...
7/18/2024 10:05:12 AM Four-day work week trial - An enhancement to recruitment and retention? By Sarah Harnett South Cambridgeshire District Council have shared information from independent reports on their four-day work week trial. It makes a...
7/4/2024 8:47:24 AM A few immigration tweaks – too few to mention? I think not… By Hazel Findlay The politicians might have downed tools and joined the campaign trail, however, for Home Office staff, it has been more like business as...