2/14/2025 2:58:57 PM TUPE transfers: I object! Yes, but why? By Hannah Bollard Lots of TUPE transfers are smooth sailing and for staff, there is no difference to their lives, other than a different logo on the top of...
2/13/2025 5:10:08 PM Higgs v Farmor's School - proportionate responses and protected beliefs By Libby Hubbard The case of Kirstie Higgs and her previous employer, Farmor's School, has finally been decided by the Court of Appeal. Her dismissal was...
2/7/2025 2:33:35 PM Ryanair’s guide to turning a strike into a legal nose-dive - Why employers should care about Morais and others v Ryanair By Katherine Sinclair Housing associations often have unionised staff, including maintenance teams, administrative staff, or frontline housing officers....
1/29/2025 10:07:35 AM A good news story – new rights for parents with babies in neonatal care By Libby Hubbard As the Employment Rights Minister correctly noted, “Parents of children in neonatal care have more than enough to worry about without...
1/27/2025 1:02:12 PM The writing is on the wall… isn’t it? By Hannah Bollard There is an underperforming employee. They have been given lots of support and offers of training over the years. You’ve given them...
1/23/2025 1:10:32 PM Unison questions LATCO two tier workforces By Doug Mullen Unison has published a study looking at the use of Local Authority Trading Companies (LATCOs) which highlights a gap in terms and...
1/21/2025 12:46:11 PM A Big Mac without a side serving of ED&I? Is the UK following the USA's lead? By Libby Hubbard McDonald's recently announced a rollback on some of its ED&I policies. They are anxious to reiterate their ‘steadfast’ commitment to...
1/8/2025 11:00:55 AM The Employment Rights Bill in the UK: Implications for local authority employers By Matthew Gregson Sarah Harnett Whilst lengthy and packed with new proposals, there are still huge gaps in the detail and practical application. More consultation and...
12/18/2024 3:50:16 PM 2024 in the rear mirror – pretty picture or pretty awful? By Libby Hubbard For our annual employment and pensions round-up of the year, we have asked some of our team members to bring their gifts of insight,...
12/11/2024 5:01:44 PM Back to the future? The return of the two-tier code By Doug Mullen The Employment Rights Bill has hit the headlines with the substantial changes to employment law contained in it. But one measure that...
11/28/2024 5:16:09 PM There are 12 days of Christmas but now there could be six months to bring an employment claim – New amendment to the Employment Rights Bill By Jackie Morris We have all been breathing a collective sigh of relief that the Employment Rights Bill 2024 was not going to interfere with the...
11/8/2024 12:43:28 PM How can employers deliver on business and employee needs in times of policy change? By Lauren Broderick With Amazon recently announcing the end of its hybrid working policy, employers are again considering how best to balance business needs...