7/18/2024 10:05:12 AM Four-day work week trial - An enhancement to recruitment and retention? By Sarah Harnett South Cambridgeshire District Council have shared information from independent reports on their four-day work week trial. It makes a...
6/28/2024 9:39:55 AM Local authority employers - What's in a name? By Sarah Harnett Mispronouncing someone’s name can have significant implications, as shown by the recent case of Viveak Taneja. In summary, the Tribunal...
1/22/2024 2:14:05 PM New guidance on Public Sector Equality Duty By Sarah Harnett The PSED, or Public Sector Equality Duty, is a set of rules that public authorities in the UK must follow when exercising their functions...
12/4/2023 11:35:38 AM Multiple Contract Working By Sarah Harnett 'Multiple Contract Working' is a term used where individuals secretly hold two jobs simultaneously, both scheduled during the same hours....
6/23/2023 9:52:00 AM Does a sick, suspended employee get paid sick pay or full pay? By Sarah Harnett This was the question before the tribunal in the case of Ms Simmonds v Croydon London Borough Council. You can find more detail in our...