12/21/2020 12:17:07 PM Waking Watch Fund: A welcome relief to all for landlords and tenants By Emma Hardman Post Grenfell, some landlords of high-rise buildings have had to introduce waking watch services to ensure a 24/7 hour presence on-site...
12/16/2020 12:25:22 PM Addressing defective cladding systems is a starting point for building safety, not the end point By Kieran Binnie Following the Grenfell Tower fire, a great deal of attention has been focused on the specification and fire resistance of cladding...
11/24/2020 3:48:21 PM The "golden thread of information" and existing high-risk residential buildings By Kieran Binnie A key element of the forthcoming Building Safety Bill is the requirement to collate and maintain the "golden thread of information" for...
11/12/2020 12:00:00 AM New guidance on constructing High Risk Residential Buildings forthcoming By Kieran Binnie Social housing providers will be aware that the draft Building Safety Bill (published in July 2020) creates a new duty holder regime with...