12/11/2024 9:18:22 AM Healthy Homes and Buildings By Emma Hardman Last night I attended the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Healthy Homes and Buildings roundtable debate discussing why building...
11/16/2023 11:04:43 AM The importance of listening to parents' concerns for sick children By Ann Houghton We all know children cannot always express how they are feeling; even more so when they are unwell and simply don't have the words to...
8/11/2022 9:10:51 AM How does an organisation's culture harm patients? By Ann Houghton My colleague, Lorna Kenyon-Pain, in our regulatory team recently commented on the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) inspection report...
7/25/2022 8:42:45 AM The gender health gap By Ann Houghton Did you know the statistics show women spend more of their life in poor health than men? Of course, a statistic alone never tells the...
6/30/2021 8:44:11 AM Public sector pensions funding reform? By Doug Mullen The Government published two consultations last week on reforming the funding of public sector pensions. The problem is that unfunded...