2/20/2025 10:50:31 AM The final curtain for decades-old procurement in England, Northern Ireland and Wales? By Mark Cook As 5.30 pm on Friday 21 February 2025 beckons, councils and other contracting authorities are busy as they seek to launch their last...
2/7/2025 3:38:09 PM Updates to the NHS Standard Contract 2025/26 By Emma Watt The NHS Standard Contract is the contractual basis on which Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) contract for all healthcare services other than...
1/30/2025 11:41:11 AM Law Commission provides welcome news for housing providers By Victoria Jardine The Law Commission's first response to its consultation on changes to Co-operative and Community Benefit Society law has provided welcome...
12/12/2024 3:45:43 PM New data laws coming in 2025 By Emma Watt The Data Use and Access Bill (the Bill) contains the Government's proposals to update the UK’s data protection legislation. The Bill...
12/6/2024 11:12:17 AM Charity mergers roundtable By Catherine Gibbons On 23 October, we had the pleasure of hosting CEOs and senior managers from 17 prominent charities within the social care sector for a...
11/19/2024 12:46:47 PM Webinar: A practical guide for housing associations: Responding to the Law Commission consultation on changes to community benefit societies By Victoria Jardine Earlier this Autumn, the Law Commission launched a consultation on proposed changes to co-operative and community benefit society law and...
11/18/2024 9:51:14 AM A new era for mutuals? By David Alcock The manifesto for the new Government committed Labour to work to double the size of the co-operative and mutual economy. We are starting...
11/12/2024 10:53:05 AM New criminal offence -'failure to prevent fraud' By Emma Watt The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (the Act) created the new corporate criminal offence of ‘failure to prevent fraud’...
10/30/2024 2:54:00 PM A new regime for employee ownership By David Alcock You may have missed it in the Budget, but at the same time as the speech was published, the Government also published their response to...
10/1/2024 10:20:51 AM Proposed reforms to community benefit societies may have far-reaching consequences for the social housing sector By Victoria Jardine In mid-September 2024, the Law Commission published the findings of its ongoing review of the laws and regulations that govern...
9/30/2024 2:40:34 PM Rising whistleblowing in charities - what this means and how to respond? By Anna Dabek Today's article in the Civil Society highlights the Charity Commission’s latest report showing a significant rise in whistleblowing...
9/17/2024 9:05:37 AM Time to make your voice heard By David Alcock The slightly delayed consultation on the future of the law governing co-ops and community benefit societies has been released today. The...