1/31/2025 3:11:47 PM Judicial review highlights duty to consider true cost of care By Liam Fitzgerald In the Judicial Review R (SARCP) v Stoke-on-Trent City Council [2025] EWHC 18 (Admin), the Administrative Court ruled that Stoke-on-Trent...
2/2/2023 11:37:11 AM Making the Mental Health Bill work in practice - a practical reflection by the Joint Committee By Molly Quinney Tim Coolican Lorna Kenyon-Pain 93% of people living with learning disabilities or autism in assessment and treatment units are detained under the Mental Health Act 1983...
6/23/2022 2:00:33 PM The sound of change - how can acoustic monitoring improve safety in care homes? By Precious Mealia The use of technology in care homes is becoming an increasingly important tool for many care providers in improving both the safety and...