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| 1 minute read

Celebrating women in housing…and it doesn’t stop there!

Anthony Collins Solicitors were proud to sponsor the Women of the Future Awards at the recent Women in Housing Awards 2022 (part of the Chartered Institute of Housing conference in Manchester). Lucy Worral, housing partner in our Manchester office presented the Woman of the Future Independent Award to Jaimee Hendry of Oasis Community Housing and the Women of the Future Housing Association/Local Authority Award to Ishen Stewart-Dowding of Harringey Council. Both women had lived experiences of social housing which shaped a belief in the power of social housing to transfer lives for the better.

Lucy commented: “It is fantastic to be able to support and publicly affirm the efforts of these remarkable women. Anthony Collins Solicitors looks forward to seeing what these and other women like them will do in the future.”

These awards demonstrated our strong commitment to improving lives, communities and society and to championing equality diversity and inclusion in the housing sector and beyond. This latter commitment is not just something we preach to clients but something we practice too! In a recent survey, 94% of staff agreed that they were treated fairly regardless of their role or position within the firm and irrespective of any protected characteristic. It is not 100%, but we are working on it! With an ED&I representative on the Board, the firm has demonstrated its commitment to being a place where everyone can thrive and feel there is a place and a future for them. 

If you would like more information about coming to work at Anthony Collins Solicitors, please get in touch.

a powerful advocate for how social housing can positively transform lives; she’s driven to extend that opportunity to others. She is absolutely a leader of the future

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discrimination, education, employment, employment and pensions, housing, pensions, tribunal claims, tupe