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Singing from the same hymn sheet?

Have you ever thought about the music you would like to be played at your funeral? The Co-op Funeralcare has produced a recent chart detailing the most popular 10 songs based on approximately 93000 funerals. The most requested song is Time to Say Goodbye by Francesco Sartori sung by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman and, for the first time in seven years, hymns are featured.

Whilst some people may not feel at all strongly about the music their mourners listen to and are happy for their loved ones to choose, many have definite opinions about what should happen to their body following their death. It is important to make your wishes known and the best way of doing this is by including them in a will or in a document stored with your will. Even more important than the disposal of your body is what will happen to your assets and who should take care of any minor children you have. So often people put off making a will because they consider that the decisions involved are too difficult or emotive. However, leaving a will and also detailed instructions regarding your funeral provides peace of mind for you now and can save a huge amount of stress and anguish for those you leave behind. 


private legal services, wills