Our first podcast of the new year (it's the last day of January, I think we can still call it the new year!) is about workforce structures and the changes afoot with new legislation due to come into force from April onwards. We'd love you to listen and subscribe.
Will the right to request predictable working hours, the immediate right to request flexible working and the changes to ‘fire and rehire’ force employers to change the structure of their workforces? Will these new rights mean that zero-hours contracts fall by the wayside and become a relic of the noughties and early 2020s that we look back on fondly - or not so fondly for many?
In this podcast, Anna Dabek and I discuss these pieces of legislation and their potential impact. Anna shares some valuable insight into what employers can do to prepare both in the short term and the long term as we look to what changes may await employers should we have a Labour Government in 12 months.
If you have any further questions or would like specific advice on these issues please contact me or Anna, or your usual contact in the employment and pensions team.