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A warning from the Building Safety Regulator to be ready

The regulator’s Making Buildings Safer campaign aims to highlight the new legal duties that those who own, manage and/or otherwise control high-rise residential buildings will need to meet. The campaign will run throughout March.

The first part of this campaign encourages those with responsibilities for buildings with seven or more storeys or 18 metres or higher, to have at least two residential units (HRBs) to be ready.

The campaign's spotlight is currently on the requirement for the principal accountable person for existing HRBs to register those HRBs with the Building Safety Regulator.

For existing HRBs, the registration window opens in April 2023 and will run through until October 2023. After that point, all existing buildings should be registered, and all new buildings would need to be registered before being occupied.

If you need advice regarding your obligations under the Building Safety Act, please do not hesitate to contact Anthony Collins’ experienced building safety team.


building safety, housing, social housing, fire safety, criminal investigations, criminal proceedings, health and safety, inquests, regulatory, regulatory investigations, regulatory proceedings, solicitor, local government