Even for the most experienced building safety practitioners, the Building Safety Bill is a long and formidable read. Responding to this, the Government has released several factsheets on the Bill, breaking down each topic covered. In our forthcoming series of ebriefings and blogs, Anthony Collins Solicitors will be reviewing the factsheets and outlining how they can assist providers to prepare for the new building safety regime.
My first ebriefing considers the factsheet relating to the transitional arrangements for Building Assessment Certificates for existing buildings, which can be found here.
Those building or planning to build higher-risk buildings know that the regime set out in the Bill is on the horizon; they can plan and adapt accordingly so that the building in its final form and how it will be managed promotes compliance with the Bill. For those with existing occupied higher-risk buildings (it is estimated around 12,500 buildings falls within the regime’s current scope), the process of adapting to new significant changes brought by the regime will be more difficult. Whilst, as set out in my ebriefing, the factsheet provides reassurance in the form of transition periods for registration and applying for Building Assurance Certificates, it should not be forgotten that accountable persons will be expected to uphold their duties and proactively assess and manage building safety risks from the moment the regime comes into force.