In September, Mr Justice Moor gave judgment in these cases where the allegations of unreasonable behaviour were all exactly the same. All had been provided in standard form by a company called iDivorces. Each party was doing their own DIY divorce with the assistance of one of these many online services that attempt to help them avoid using expensive lawyers. Unfortunately for them, an eagle-eyed judge at the Divorce Unit in Bury St Edmunds had begun to notice a bit of a pattern! Whilst we all strive to keep our allegations to an absolute minimum to avoid unnecessary acrimony, the law of fault divorce is still with us - albeit for only a few more months. All of their petitions were dismissed and they had to start again. We all look forward to the day when we don't have to play the blame game but alas these parties had jumped the gun!

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Court dismisses 28 separate divorce petitions with identical wording - no fault divorce is coming
Court dismisses 28 separate divorce petitions with identical wording
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