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| 3 minute read

Employment Rights Bill hub - Update #3

If only the growth of the Employment Rights Bill mirrored the growth of my bank account - if it did I may not be so anxious to blog about more amendments, perhaps more intent on settling down in business class on my way to a glamourous holiday destination! From a respectable 158 pages in October, the Bill, which is making its way to the House of Lords, has almost doubled to 301 pages.   

We promised to keep you updated about changes, so here is a summary of the amendments made to the Bill in its final reading in the House of Commons, together with links to the Hub so you can check out the details if you want to.

What's next?

The Bill is making its way through the House of Lords and so we wait to see what further amendments, if any, are forthcoming. We understand that the Government may well introduce miscarriage leave (a period of leave for parents who lost their child at less than 24 weeks into the pregnancy) as support was voiced for this during the last House of Commons debate.  

Action points

  • Note the aspects of the Bill which will most affect your workforce, audit current practices and discuss new practices going forward to be ready once the consultation documents/draft regulations/commencement dates are released.
  • If you are facing calls for union recognition within your organisation or are concerned about increased union activity, contact our team for specific advice on how the ERB will affect this and how we can assist you.  
  • Don't forget your mandatory duty to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of employees - a good foundation and confidence in your current steps will make it easier to ensure that you are complying with the extended duty to be introduced by the ERB. Contact me for more information about our products which can assist you with risk assessments and compliance.
  • If you are in the health and social care sector, register for our annual health and social care employment update on 2 April 

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employment rights bill updates