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Forward planning now - Dementia can affect anyone

I have been really touched reading the story of The FTD Brothers who sadly lost their mother, grandmother and aunt to dementia and then discovered that they are both gene carriers for frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Aged just 23 and 28, the brothers are aware that their risk of developing dementia is high - and may arise soon despite their young age. 

Rather than feel defeated by this, they are seeking to raise awareness of Dementia and also to support research to find a cure for this debilitating disease. With a target to raise £1million in their lifetimes, they are well on their way with their current challenge seeking to complete a 903-mile challenge from John O'Groats to Lands End, completing what is effectively an ultra-marathon every day, having already raised over £110,000!

As they raise awareness of the condition, and seek to support research efforts to develop a cure, they recognise they may not have all that long being healthy but are determined to do all they can.

For many, knowledge of what the future will hold may not be known, but for us all, there is a need to prepare for uncertainty. Ensuring future planning is in place for what life may throw up along the way is therefore so important - and for all of us thinking about what would happen if we lost capacity should be something we consider. Through lasting powers of attorney, we can plan for the possibility of a diagnosis - or injury, sudden illness or accident - and ensure we have contingency arrangements in place, appointing those we trust to step in and deal with matters for us - and advocate for us - to promote as much independence and autonomy, whilst also being cared for as is possible.

I wish the FTD brothers all the very best in their campaigning and fundraising efforts - I look forward to the day we can say dementia has a cure.

For more information

For more information about lasting powers of attorney or how we can support you with future planning, please contact me

'We might only have 15 summers left,' say brothers at risk of dementia

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lasting powers of attorney, dementia, alzheimers, fundraising, frontotemporal dementia, court of protection, private legal services