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The impact of ambulance delays

Receiving urgent medical attention when it is needed can make the difference between life and death or severely reduced outcomes for patients. A recent report by the BBC revealed that West Midlands Ambulance Service reported a 40% rise in ‘lost’ hours in June 2024 compared to June 2023.

The reasons for these increases will be complex and partly attributable to hospital handover delays, meaning that ambulance crews cannot attend other calls. Although the West Midlands Ambulance Service has a target of attending 90% of category one (life-threatening and needing immediate intervention and/or resuscitation) calls within 15 minutes, the June attendance times were 90% within 23 minutes and 43 seconds. When every second counts, the loss of minutes can be catastrophic. 

For more information about the services we provide for clients or their families where serious injuries or death have been caused by delays in diagnosis or treatment of medical emergencies, please contact me. I am happy to talk to you on a free no obligation basis.

West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) bosses have pledged to investigate after 2,499 hours were lost in June this year, a rise of almost 40% compared to June 2023.

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ambulance delays, nhs, clinical negligence, private legal services