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| 1 minute read

Proud to be at pride

A few weeks ago I wrote about Manchester Pride, with an early disclaimer that I hadn't been to a pride festival myself yet and my colleague Chloe Brant helped me with the article. I'm proud to say I've since rectified that! Chloe and I were part of the pride parade in Birmingham last weekend, along with a group of colleagues, other lawyers and Birmingham Law Society. It was a privilege to be part of the parade, celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and demonstrating the legal profession is striving to be inclusive for all.

As a profession, we're striving to be inclusive but I don't think we - as a profession - can honestly say we're there yet. We're better, we have good intentions, but there's work to be done. Being at pride is one small but important part of that action. Having a firm which welcomes colleagues from the LGBTQ+ community and ensures they feel happy to be themselves in the workplace is another part of it. I hope that having an active Equality Diversity and Inclusion group, with people representing many groups, is helping us at Anthony Collins Solicitors.

As the Law Society president I. Stephanie Boyce recently said: "From the high street to the Supreme Court, the legal profession must reflect the society it serves." As a firm, Anthony Collins Solicitors represents clients and organisations from all parts of society and they have every right to choose a law firm which respects and values all.

"From the high street to the Supreme Court, the legal profession must reflect the society it serves."

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equality, diversity, inclusion, lgbtq, pride