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Supporting carers is everyone's business

As this year's Carer's Week draws to a close, I was struck by the headline of a blog from South West London and St Georges NHS Trust - supporting carers is everyone's business. And it really resonated with me.

We may not be carers right now. But we may become carers in the future. 

We may not be cared for. But we may need care in the future. 

We may not understand or live the life of a carer, but we can empathise.

And in recognising that the role of caring or being cared for might be part of the future for any of us, the importance of support for those already acting as a carer is increased in importance. The impact of us collectively acknowledging, recognising and seeking better for carers and for those they care for may not be a personal necessity - but the effects of our actions can only help the possible future any of us may face.

And so, with the 2022 Carers Week aims of making Carers more Visible, Valued and Supported drawing to a close, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to share my thoughts, reflections and above all, gratitude, for all that carers do to contribute to society and to care for and improve the lives of vulnerable individuals. 

I hope that one day soon, we as a collective, will truly be able to both say, and clearly demonstrate, that carers and all aspects of the role they play are truly visible, that each and every care knows and feels valued and that they have the support - both practical and emotional - that they need to ensure their loved ones are cared for.  

Carers Week 2022: Supporting carers is everyone’s business Posted in Blog Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don't think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support.

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