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| 2 minute read

'Great Resignation' - greater response?

It appears the "Great Resignation" really is a thing! Inside Housing reported the predictions of a management consultant speaking at the recent CIH conference; 56% of staff likely to move out of the sector in the next 12 months. Even if this figure is an overestimation, inflated a little for the shock value, the numbers are still high and this is a wave employers will need to ride. Cowering in the shallows and hoping you can avoid the impact of it is not going to work.

If we are looking at the great resignation then employers need to have an even greater response - but what does that look like?

  • Acknowledging the reality of the situation - the power balance has changed, employees have more choice, more vision as to where they want to work and how. If employers want to keep their staff, they will need to adapt their working and recruitment practices. This may include everything from flexible/hybrid working to carbon neutral initiatives.
  • Willingness to innovate - can the business be run leaner with new working practices? This does not mean can the business absorb staff exits by overloading the remaining staff but rather what investment can be made in systems which enable leaner working?
  • Regeneration - Dr Who style! With employees looking for something different, and a willingness to provide that and innovate, it is a great time for some sort of regeneration of the organisation. Not necessarily as dramatic as the change from Peter Capaldi to Jodie Whittaker. Something more along the lines of redefining an organisation's purposes and values, looking at how it recruits to ensure diversity and inclusivity and how it enables its staff to work hard and retain a work/life balance. Consider who you want to stay in the organisation and what you will do to retain them and conversely who you will let go. Change and turnover of staff can be disruptive but can also be a great catalyst for change.

How can we help?

  • We can address your employment practices from the start of an employee's journey with you to the end; are your recruitment practices cumbersome or putting certain applicants off? When changing staff terms and conditions in line with new innovations, are you aware of the pitfalls (no one wants to be in the same boat as P&O!!)
  • We can work with you to update your flexible/hybrid working policies and practices to reflect any changes and train managers in dealing with these requests.
  • We can update staff and provide training in dealing with issues and grievances so that staff do not leave unnecessarily because of fractured relationships.
  • We can redraft or tweak diversity and inclusivity policies and ensure managers are suitably trained to address working practices which might hinder E,D&I.

Our advice to all organisations is to ride this particular wave; it might not be welcome; it might seem overwhelming but it is an opportunity to change and reflect the working practices of the next decades of the 21st century. Those organisations who, for whatever reason, don't accept the challenge, will not fare well in the years to come.

If you would value a conversation about this, please contact Katherine Sinclair.

More than half of social housing employees plan to move jobs in next 12 months, warns consultanc

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