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Wheels for Wellbeing

We all know exercise is good for our wellbeing - perhaps now more than ever with the effects of the coronavirus affecting all of us in our own, personal way - but there isn't much out there specifically on disability and cycling. 'Wheels for Wellbeing' campaign for greater accessible infrastructure and representation of disabled cyclists and as part of this they run an annual survey to collect vital data and information about cycling with a disability. 

As someone who has worked with disabled clients who enjoy cycling and the benefits it brings, not least to wellbeing but also simply getting around, I'd encourage people to do the survey which can be found here.

We want to make cycling more accessible for disabled people, so having information on the current needs and experiences of disabled cyclists is crucial. Isabelle Clement MBE, director, Wheels for Wellbeing

To make sure you receive all of our latest insights, subscribe here.


clinical negligence, personal injury, private client, senior associate, cycling, disability