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| 1 minute read

Looking beyond the obvious

Law firms are increasingly wanting to embrace how they can make a social difference and engage in ad hoc pro bono activities or have a CSR policy. Some even engage in community activities and investment as and when required. However, these programmes can be isolated without structure and are perhaps driven by individual employees or departments as part of their annual calendar of activities.

At Anthony Collins Solicitors our very purpose is to make a difference to individuals, communities and society and is based on a holistic, sustainable and in our view a robust social impact in everything that we do. We don't see our work as facilitating "transactions" but rather conducting our business with a view to being "transformational" for our clients. This social purpose extends to how we work together internally with staff and externally with like-minded organisations. Our purpose is at the core of our business and we act consistently with that purpose in our day to day work and interactions, always being collaborative, which then has a greater and wider significant social impact on individuals, communities and society.

This case study is just one example of what we do. 

Whatever the potential outcome, our goal is always to make the individual’s needs the focus of our efforts so that they are at the centre of everything we do. We look beyond the obvious result to make sure our work supports our clients in every way.


individuals, private legal services, clinical negligence solicitors, litigation, compensation, personal injury, clinical negligence