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What does great leadership look like in uncertain times?

Daniel Singleton's (National Executive Director of FaithAction) blog about what we need at the moment is spot on. Around me I see what I can only describe as 'November blues', 'lockdown fatigue' or simply the stress of living with the unknown and uncertainty for nine months. As a nation we are going through a grieving process for all that we have lost and it is different for each of us. 

Daniel suggests that it is time for the Government to provide a roadmap - one with a number of possible ‘destinations’, for example, different options as to how we may be able to socialise and celebrate at future key holidays and celebrations - and for us to stop asking for a promise as to what will happen when the lockdown is lifted. Wise words. It reminds me too of "For we live by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5: 7) - we know where we are going but quite what the journey will be we have to discover each day in faith - quite an adventure but so often scary.

Governing is about working through the grey. Wisdom is about working beyond black and white.

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