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Increase in housing County Court fees from 1 April 2025

The Government has announced the upcoming increase to 171 Court and Tribunal fees which are expected to go live from 1 April 2025.  

For housing work, attention should be paid to the following:

  • The possession claim issue fee has increased from £391 to £404.
  • The application fee to issue an injunction has increased from £365 to £377.
  • The general application fee has increased from £303 to £313 (2.4(a))
  • The fee to file a consent order or to make an application by consent has increased from £119 to £123.
  • The application fee for a warrant of possession has increased from £143 to £148.
  • The hearing fee for a multi-track case has increased from £1,175 to £1,334.
  • The hearing fee for a fast-track case has increased from £545 to £619.

Landlords will need to note the impact of these fee increases on their budgets, which will of course, unhelpfully, already have been set by social landlords for the new financial year.

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housing, court fees