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| 1 minute read

Things landlords can do to stop RTB fraud

Right now there is a surge in right to buy (RTB) applications given tenants justified concerns that the new Labour government is likely to significantly reduce the discount available, like the previous Labour government. 

This case though is a timely reminder that landlords need to guard against RTB fraud.  

What can social landlords do? Submit each and every application to a 360-degree check!

  • Make sure all the usual ID checks are fully undertaken.
  • Most importantly visit the property and inspect - both inside and outside. Who is living in the property?
  • Check the electoral roll - who is registered at the property?
  • Examine carefully should anyone not on the tenancy be included in the RTB application.
  • If there are discount periods from other landlords to be taken into account ask those landlords to confirm. 
  • And protect vulnerable tenants: 
    • If this is a cash purchase where is the money coming from?
    • Is the tenant on housing benefit/universal credit - if so do they truly understand the costs
    • Is the property of an unusual type or with potentially high future costs

These are triggers to invite the applicants in for a chat or offer to visit them in their homes             to explain the RTB process and the pros and cons of being a homeowner

We have a dedicated RTB team who can help social landlords if they have concerns.

Former Islington Council tenant ordered to pay back £260,000 in Right to Buy fraud case

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housing management, property, housing, local government