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What the King's speech could mean for the housing sector in 2024

The State Opening of Parliament and the King's Speech will take place on Wednesday 17 July 2024. The King’s Speech is written by the Government and delivered by the Monarch.

It marks the beginning of a new parliamentary year, or session, and is an opportunity for the Government to set out its legislative agenda for the coming months. Traditions around the Monarch’s speech and the State Opening of Parliament can be traced back to the 16th century.

In the speech, the Government will typically set out bills which it intends to introduce to Parliament in the session ahead, as well as other policy priorities which do not require legislation.

The State Opening of Parliament begins with the Monarch’s procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster. The Imperial State Crown worn by the King has 2,868 diamonds, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, 269 pearls, and four rubies. Before the Monarch arrives, the Yeomen of the Guard search the cellars of the Palace of Westminster for explosives to commemorate Guy Fawkes’s gunpowder plot of 1605. The Monarch arrives at the Sovereign’s Entrance to Parliament and subsequently leads the royal procession to the chamber of the House of Lords.

A senior officer in the House of Lords known as Black Rod will then summon members of the House of Commons into the Lord’s Chamber to listen to the speech. Before entering the Commons Chamber, the door is shut in Black Rod’s face and the official will strike the door three times before it is opened. This practice dates back to the Civil War and symbolises the Commons’ independence from the monarchy. The custom of Black Rod banging on the door of the Commons dates back to 1642, when Charles I tried to arrest five MPs, and symbolises the right of the Commons to exclude royal messengers.

When the Monarch leaves the chamber, a new parliamentary session begins. 

Following the State Opening of Parliament the House of Lords will debate the content of the King's speech over a six-day period. More than 30 bills are expected from the new Labour government. On the first day – Thursday 18 July, members will debate housing. It will be interesting to see if any further amendments are made to the Renters Reform Bill and Awaab’s Law - stay tuned!

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kings speech, parliament, legislation, housing, awaabs law, renters reform, labour government, general election