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Proposed changes to Renters (Reform) Bill

On 28 March 2024, it was reported that the Government has proposed a number of changes to the Renters (Reform) Bill including: 

  • prohibiting tenants from ending a tenancy for the first six months (subject to a number of proposed exceptions);
  • a new ground for possession for student tenancies which will apply to any property let by students as long as the landlord has included its intention to use this ground in the tenancy;
  • delaying the ban on no-fault evictions until an assessment of their impact on the county court possession system has been published by the lord chancellor.

The Bill is due to have its report stage and third reading on a date to be announced. As always, the devil will be in the detail, so do watch this space for further updates.

The government has set out a series of changes to planned protections for renters in England, after some Conservative MPs raised concerns they would be too burdensome for landlords.

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housing management, social housing, rentersreform, housing