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The importance of a professionally drafted will

You may have seen the recent news article about Aretha Franklin's estate and the problems caused by various testamentary documents being found at her home, including in a locked drawer and wedged between sofa cushions.  A five-year legal battle has ensued, which will have been costly from a financial and emotional point of view for the family.

Although in a different country with different laws, it highlights the importance of a professionally drafted will, which, if stored safely at your solicitors' office can help to reduce the possibility of disputes and problems after your death. Homemade wills can cause difficulties, not only because the content often is ambiguous, but also the problems in finding these documents after your death. Your family may not necessarily think to look between the sofa cushions!

"You can take your will and leave it on the kitchen counter," said Charles McKelvie. "It's still your will."


private legal services, wills