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| 1 minute read

Leaders, try one thing for Mental Health Awareness Day

Essentially, an awareness day is about starting a conversation and then action. So here's a thought on one action leaders can take today.

Speak to someone in the team you lead and simply ask "How are you?" Chances are they'll say one of those polite answers we give habitually, for example, the good old "I'm busy but ok". Then ask "How are you really?" You might be surprised how different their second answer is when they're gently prompted and given the time to open up.  

Ultimately, that one little action is helping to look after the mental health of your people. It's giving permission and space to open up about what's going on, what matters to them, what might be difficult right now and what they need you to hear.

There's one more thing you can try - here's your moment as a leader! When you're asked "How are you", give a full, candid answer. Showing your vulnerabilities, what you find hard, when your mental health might be a bit wobbly, can make a real impact as a leader. Being a leader isn't about putting on a brave face. Absolutely being a leader is about calming the ship and I'm not advocating crying your eyes out in front of your whole team but I've found saying when I get upset reading about the trauma one of my clients has been through, gives the people I manage implicit permission to say when they find a case emotionally difficult, which I'm sure helps them cope.

Other things we have in place at Anthony Collins Solicitors to support people and their mental health include buddy schemes, access to external free counselling through an employee assistance programme and specialist mental health first aiders. Living out an ethos of supporting our people is at the heart of this.

So, on this year's Mental Health Awareness Day, I'd encourage you to give it a go.  You might be surprised! 

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mental health, mental health awareness day, people, leadership, all sectors