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Possession claims - recent changes!

Do see my e-briefing below which summarises some recent "under the radar" changes to possession proceedings that have not had much attention. These include an extension to 30 November of the use of Review dates and bailiffs only needing to give 7 days notice of re-arranged evictions from 7 August 2021. I also refer to updates from the Court service about covid safety measures and judicial feedback from a helpful court users group meeting. 

Re-arranged evictions – reduce notice period to tenants In 2020 the court rules were changed to require that all residential tenants must be given 14 days’ notice of an eviction. What happens though if the eviction is cancelled on the day? This might be due to e.g. the occupiers self-isolating or having covid symptoms and the bailiff therefore deciding not to proceed, or a warrant suspension application being heard so late or close to the eviction date/ time that the eviction slot is lost even if the suspension application is unsuccessful. The court rules are being changed from 7 August to deal with this. CPR 83.8A(2) is being amended to provide to the occupiers a further minimum of 7 days’ notice of eviction if the first eviction does not take place as intended.

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housing litigation, housing management, social housing, possession, housing, local government