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Great (and unrealistic) expectations: Re Z (Schedule 1: Legal Costs Funding Order; Interim Financial Provision) [2020] EWFC 80

This case summary, prepared by 1 Hare Court, gives a brief insight into the life and litigation of the ultra-wealthy where the father earned £0.9 million PCM. 

It also shines a spotlight on the alternative litigation available for unmarried couples with children and claims which can be brought both under Schedule 1 of the Children Act and for legal costs funding. 

Cobb J determined that M’s claim had been “overvalued, and in some respects unrealistic”including a claim for future legal fees for Child Arrangements Orders wherein the court speculated that there were few areas of dispute. 

This highlights the importance of preparing these claims carefully and rooted in reality, so as to avoid harsh criticism and dramatic reduction of amounts claimed. 

Cobb J considered the factors under para 4 of Schedule 1 to which he had to have regard, bearing in mind particularly “the extraordinary wealth of the father, and his luxurious standard of living, and the importance (and fairness) for Zoe in being raised by her mother in an environment which bears at least some relation to that”

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associate, children, divorce law, domestic abuse law, matrimonial finances, private client, separation law, litigation, legal costs funding, child arrangement order