The Social Housing White paper picks up on some key housing management issues. From measuring how ASB is tackled, to expecting pets to be generally permitted by tenancy agreements and an allocations review.
Fiona McGregor of the RSH spoke this week at the Placeshapers conference and emphasised that there is "no pre-formed plan on KPIs" - consultation and engagement are clearly needed to design them. Recognising the lack of choice for many social housing residents, she urged providers to share good practice amongst themselves.
My colleagues and I share our thoughts in our e-briefing here.
New tenant satisfaction measures will also be created to measure how providers tackle ASB.
The much under-used and often hidden community trigger will be better advertised with providers perhaps acting as an advocate to support residents to use it.
County lines gangs and drug dealing, and “cuckooing” are mentioned in the context of ensuring landlords monitor and support their vulnerable residents at risk, taking a multi-agency approach.
Allocations evidence is to be reviewed to ensure that housing is allocated in the fairest way possible. ....Might the reference to “best outcomes for local places and communities” mean a much larger cohort of persons may have the right to be allocated a home?
All landlords should allow the keeping of pets depending on location providing they are looked after and do not adversely affect neighbours, ...