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Procurement Act guidance on frameworks is out – Buyers beware!

The latest batch of guidance on the Procurement Act 2023 released by the Cabinet Office includes the eagerly awaited guidance on frameworks. 

The Act includes a version of the framework purchasing tool available to contracting authorities under the existing Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The definition of a framework in the Act is a looser concept, however, and the rules applicable to its set-up and use appear much more flexible than those in the PCR 2015. 

There are closed and open framework options and increased flexibilities permitted in the call-off procedures that can be used to award a contract under a framework.

Contracting authorities will need to be cautious about utilising the new flexibilities and consider whether their use will generate the desired efficiencies, savings and achieve value for money. 

You can read my latest ebriefing, where I've outlined my thoughts on the guidance here.

If you would like more information on the new guidance or on the Procurement Act 2023, please contact me

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